Monday, January 31, 2011

Just Smoked ==~

The chronic I just smoked is alright. It makes me feel semi-hungry for a long period of time. It makes me relaxed and worry-free. This bud brings back some memories from home..or it could just be the music that I am playing right now, not sure. Cudi is a baller, gotta love him.

I like smoking alone more than smoking with others. Of course on party nights like Friday and Saturday, yeah, I like smoking with friends. But any other day I can just light one up and smoke it by myself and relax in MY world, and no one else's. I like the feeling like that, when I am zoned out in my space. That is the best.

I have smoked such good bud, that one time I felt like I was looking at myself in 3rd person, and almost became hallucinated it felt like. It wasn't laced with anything, it was just that fucking amazing.
