Tuesday, February 22, 2011


"Imagine all the people, sharing the whole world"

I love Imagine by John Lennon. Great ass song. Smoke to that and it is basically a mindfuck. I love it.

Bye now

Friday, February 18, 2011

Just Smoked

I smoked two blunts today, and a couple blunts yesterday laced with codeine, so that was dope. I couldn't find any weed in my room because I was out. I have nothing to fuck me up. Oh wait a minute, I found my oney with some leftover chronic still in my bat. I hit it a couple times and got a buzz at least off of it. Hell yeah. That is pretty tight.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Me and My Friends

Me and two other guys made a small video about Kid Cudi. It is a tribute to him.

I thought it was pretty cool.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Weed Brownies

Today was the first time I had weed brownies. I only ate one, and it was alright. I guess it depends on what type of weed is in them for the taste, because I could taste it.

I sat around for a while after I ate it. Then it started hitting me like an hour after I ate it. I was pretty high, and it was more of a body buzz. Then I smoked a oney and got even higher. I was seriously stuck. I couldn't move and I didn't want to. I was just chillin in my own zone. I just messed around on the Internet for a while and listened to music with my friend. We we're baked foreal.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The 3 Levels of Being High

1. The Buzz

You get The Buzz when you take a couple hits of whatever you are smoking out of. If it is a blunt of mids then I usually get a buzz within my 4th or 5th hit. One hit of chronic is a definite buzz for me.

This is the first level experienced in getting high on pot. You catch a nice, calm, enjoyable, floaty, buzz.  First time users may claim to be stoned. This buzz practice is good for the daily user who begins their day with a buzz (not to be confused with "wake & bake").  Catching a Buzz is not enough to get burnt out.  You can revisit your joint or pipe later and refresh your buzz by taking a couple more hits.  This can be continued through-out the day with few (if any) ill effects.

2. The High

This level is basically reached when you smoke a joint, a couple of bowls, or a blunt with friends.  Getting high can be reached with 4 to 8 hits of decent weed.  It goes beyond a buzz, but you are not stoned either.

When you have continued from the Buzz level, you will quickly get funnier, and can become internal with your wild and sporadic thoughts.  You may experience phases of paranoia at this level, I usually do not, but sometimes it happens. That comes from potentially breaking a law to do it, or having to cover it up or hide it.  You generally feel good, wanting to do something fun or exciting, and food or drink may taste way better.  Audio and video experiences seem enhanced to you.  Focus and creativity are generally increased with the one exception of ADD users.

3. Stoned

After getting high and smoking even more and more weed afterwards, you will be stoned. This is a different experience for everyone. Although people might smoke together and get stoned together, doesn't mean everyone feels exactly the same. Everything is calming and relaxing. Everything seems to be a task to do. When i get stoned I don't want to get out of my chair..I just want to chill and relax. Lethargic is a good word for this state of being.
"I am stoned."

**Here is a little video I found.


^^Good vid

The things I do for weed..

Here is what happened to me lastnight.

1. Went to Super Bowl party
2. Chilled there
3. Took shots with friends
4. Chilled more
5. Noticed we were out of weed
6. I walk a mile in a foot of snow to the nearest ATM
7. Hit up my guy
8. Walked a mile and a half to his house in a foot of snow and ice
9. Almost got ran over by a car
10. Got to his house
11. Chilled at his Super Bowl party for a little bit
12. Got the sack
13. Walked about a mile back to the party I was first at
14. Took more shots
15. Smoked
16. Got high
17. Walked back to my place
18. Played Black Ops
19. Ate food
20. Went to bed

Gotta get dat weed

Friday, February 4, 2011

My Music

When I am high I like to listen to my music. Everyone has a preference on what type of music they like when they're high.

Personally, I love Kid Cudi music after I smoke. It makes me feel higher because he sings about smoking weed all day and his personal experiences that he encounters when he is stoned or trippin'.

Here is a great song I listen to. Think of the words he is saying.. His lyrics are deep in meaning.

Funny Pictures I Found


Check them out


Date Rape

Doin' Time


What I Got

Wrong Way


I used to have a badass car system. I am going to go over my setup, which rocked the shit out of my trunk. I loved it..

2 12" Alpine Type-R Subwoofers enclosed in a ported box.
Total = $275

Rockford Fosgate Punch p1000-bd Amplifier (1300 watts)
Retailed at $700
Got it online for $400 brand new

Wiring Kit I bought online was around $60

2 front and 2 rear speakers were taken out and 4 new speakers I got offline were installed.
Total  = $150

These things hit so hard. I loved it, they are great

1300 watts!

That is my system setup. It was awesome. When the windows were rolled up on my Honda Accord it got hard to breathe when the subs hit. Those things were pushing about 500 watts per sub...exactly.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Just Smoked ==~

The chronic I just smoked is alright. It makes me feel semi-hungry for a long period of time. It makes me relaxed and worry-free. This bud brings back some memories from home..or it could just be the music that I am playing right now, not sure. Cudi is a baller, gotta love him.

I like smoking alone more than smoking with others. Of course on party nights like Friday and Saturday, yeah, I like smoking with friends. But any other day I can just light one up and smoke it by myself and relax in MY world, and no one else's. I like the feeling like that, when I am zoned out in my space. That is the best.

I have smoked such good bud, that one time I felt like I was looking at myself in 3rd person, and almost became hallucinated it felt like. It wasn't laced with anything, it was just that fucking amazing.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

How to Conserve Your Bud

This is a great way on saving your expensive chronic weed. I learned this the hard way.

All I did was smoke blunts. I smoked at least two per day by myself in my car, cruisin' down my secretive blunt route..

Then I got to college where my parents weren't just giving me money anymore. So I had to conserve my bud and in doing so I bought myself a "One Hitter".

One Hitter's are simple and easy to use. Just put the bud in the dugout, twist it down hard, and pull it out and you now are equipped with the bud in the oney, or one hitter. After that, just light it up, hit it once, blow smoke, light it up again, hit it hard again..get high as fuck. This conserves so much bud that you'll be a happy camper when you have that same eighth for a week.

I still like smoking blunts more than anything..but if your low on money/weed, then a oney is the right thing for you!

Some of my personal photos


First Post -- Eye Care After Smoking Weed

There are many different kinds of eye drops you can purchase at any gas station, Walgreens, etc..

Here are my Top 3 after-smoking-weed eye care products:

1. Clear Eyes - Clear eyes (Redness Relief) is fast acting, allowing your red, dry, watery, itchy eyes to feel GREAT! This is my recommendation after using all sorts of eye care products.

Click HERE to view this product in more detail.

2. Visine - Visine is my 2nd pick, only because these feel just about the same as the Clear Eye's product. Visine and Clear Eyes both soothe the eyes, as well as make them more clear and open.

Click HERE to view this product in more detail.

3. Rohto (Cool) - These are super eye drops. I used these when I just started out smoking weed. Only downfall to these are they burn like a bitch. The first time I used them I thought I dropped acid in my eye. But, these drops take about anywhere from a minute to five minutes to get your eyes cleared up.

Click HERE to view this product in more detail.


There are many products that will get your eyes clear but these are the best ones for weed smokers.

Here is a picture of some weed I have right now!

Yeah, it's chronic..